Which Niche Should I Focus on? Targeting Verticals
Choosing the right vertical, or niche, to promote is the most basic and important thing. If it’s done improperly, no SEO or SEM technique will do you any good no matter how effective they may be.
Here are the 5 most fundamental guidelines for making such a cardinal choice:
- Find a niche you can connect to. You’ll need to write high-quality content for this niche and if you can’t understand it or feel attached to it, your content will turn out to be ineffective in engaging your target audience.
- Perform a preliminary thorough keyword research to find out whether it’s worthwhile to promote your niche and whether it’s possible. When we say worthwhile, we mean that there is enough web interest around the main keywords related to this niche. In other words, there are enough searches for them on search engines. When we say possible we mean that the competition is not too fierce, which will require too much effort and an advertising budget beyond what you can afford before (and if) you have a positive RoI.
- No need to be afraid of competition as long as the niche has adequate number of long tail keywords in which you can invest time, resources and
effort to get good results. Long tail keywords have less impressions and reach but the difficulty in promoting them is significantly lower.
- Ask yourself whether you can you monetize your niche. That is to say, does it can sell something? Will web users be willing to spend money on what it deals with? And does this niche has a vendor with whom you can establish affiliate relationship? In most cases, you won’t have the resources buy store and sell goods or provide services. You’ll need to find someone for whom you can do it in return for a commission.
- Make sure you have the necessary manpower to do what it takes to succeed in monetizing your chosen niche: adept content writers, SEO experts, campaign managers and, most importantly, webmasters who will build a website to work with.